Welcome, I’m Sintija.

My story on how I get here! And How SintijasVibes was created!

How started my journey?

My name is Sintija, I am from Latvia, and this is how everything started…

It was 2019 just before Covid hit all the world, and my partner and I moved to Ireland. Lauris did move faster than I and Olivers, just to find a job and a place to stay. He moved here in February wile I and Olivers in March. And…

He did great, with some help from my brother, they found wonderful house, where we are still living. And of course the start wasn’t easy as it should have been, but in the end, everything was fine, except for one thing… And you may guess …

YES… As we still had just one car and we lived in the countryside, one of us needed to stay home. Mostly, it was because of the school starting time and closing for Oliver. And we decided that I would be the person who would stay home. And look after everything.

And for some time is was like that, BUT… I get bored

And I wanted to do something for myself as well as earn some money and just do something to help.

“Starting something new is scary, but also exiting”

What did I found?

As I was staying at home for some time. I wanted to start something new…

And I did! One evening I found this TikTok girl, who was talking about how she was making money online by blogging and earning passive income.

And You Know What… That was so inspiring and refreshing for me like that was the answer that I was looking for.

Without any knowledge, I just jumped in watching YouTube videos and researching what I needed to do. Website, Canva, plugins, logos that was so new for me and so unfamiliar to me.


XOXO – Sintija

“Be better today, yesterday and in the future!”

And what did I do…

I just started…

I want you to know that, this was first in my life that I was starting something just for myself or that I had some plans for my life.

My new life was starting, and something that I also never had done.

As fact websites and social media that so so unfamiliar to me, even now. With that been said the first even website sintijaviksnite.com was created where I did start with digital marketing, tutorials and reviews


not everything can go as it is planed…

Some favorite Things…

I love reading, going to beach, exploring new places, flowers and working out!.

And I always want to improve myself, grow and learn new things.

Send me your online business FAILURE story!

Let’s share stories and mistakes that we maid for others to not to.