New beginning and my true story of how was created SintijasVibes 2025
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Life sometimes is not as we expect it to be, but that is okay.  What it really means New beginning and my true story of how was created SintijasVibes? Let’s start…

New beginning and my true story of how was created SintijasVibes

My name is Sintija and welcome to my website Sintijas Vibes. Let’s then found out my true story on how was created SintijasVibes and how I even get here.

Before we gonna, dive in… let me tell a small story about me, and how I get here. and then we will jumt to how was created SintijasVibes…

How It All Started? New beginning and my true story of how was created SintijasVibes 2025

It was back in  2019 when we finally decided to move to Ireland, from Latvija. My love and partner of now almost 15 years being together. At that time didn’t even know English, however, for us, we just needed these changes which is why in March 2019 we moved to Ireland and started our lives with a brand fresh start.

Lauris, my love, moved here 1 month before my son and me to find work and a place for us to stay. my brother Maikls and sister helped him, because, like I already told you guys, he didn’t know English at all at that time. ZERO

We on the other hand were staying with his mom. 

I didn’t mention that we have a cat named Sofija, who also needed to fill out and check all papers, a passport and needed 2-week quarantine which is normal for animals that want to travel by plane.

Sintijas working desk

We had plenty of time to say goodbye to each other or friends and family because we knew that for some time we couldn’t see them.

And finally, our time is come to fly to Ireland.

We loved all our family and friends, but sometimes you just need these changes. And we know that it is time...


It took some time to get done all the legal documents, PPSN, GP, address, Olivers school and other important things that you just need to do as fast as you can moving to a different country. 

Okay so far so good. Lauris is working, Olivers is going to school, but what about me???

Yes, I was stuck at home.

Mainly of Olivers school. I think I needed to look it up sooner when we moved to Ireland because in Latvija we were going into kindergarten where you can bring a child at 7 am and from 3 pm – 7 pm, collect at your own time ( mostly after work).

Here in Ireland, he was starting to go to primary school where school start around 8:40 – 9:00 and finishes around 12:40 smaller classes up to 14:40 – 15:00. As much I wanted to work, we knew that someone needed to collect Olivers from school on that time it was 12:40- 13:40 and we decided that I will be that person. 

What I also didn’t mention is that Lauris found a big house with my brother, and to make everything right we just split the bills. That is why it wasn’t a big deal if I didn’t work, as we had enough money to pay bills and other things.

And that was it, I became old fashion housewife.

However, it didn’t stop me, because I just wanted to do something not only sit at home.

The first thing is that I started to do yoga and working out, to just take out some pressure that was on my shoulders. 

But I remember like it was yesterday that one evening somehow looking into the Tiktok, just scrolling to pass the time, I saw this amazing girl talking about blogging, digital marketing and making money remotely from home, without much investing.

And it somehow clicks. Like, I don’t do anything and I have spare time WHY NOT TRY that is how I started my journey. 

4 years later…..

Here I am now writing to you 04.01.2025

During these 4 years, many things changed I started my medication journey and had my awakening slightly before I turned 30… I still didn’t work, Olivers changed school and I finally can think about finding my 9 to 5 job.

Time changed so fast.


What happened? Did I make some money? How it go? What did I try? 

Yes, I made some money, however nothing that I started lasted for a long time I did fail again, again, and again, but I didn’t want to give up. 

a woman sitting at a desk using a laptop

I tried blogging, digital marketing, Affiliate marketing, Etsy store, Investing, and Trading, I even had an idea to start creating NFTs and sell them, however, it also didn’t work.

And recently I got a revelation that everything that I wanted to do was something special like everyone on the internet tells you if you want to be a successful blogger or business owner you need to niche down. Niche down is basically one thing that you are good at and you are making, writing content only about that specific thing. 

but for me, it just didn’t work.

Guys, it took me 4 years to just understand that being into one thing doesn’t work for me. And I am so thankful that I never gave up because I would not understand that till this point. 

During these 4 years of failing and trying everything I learned so many new skills that now can help me build something that I am looking forward. Something that is special for me.

Starting SintijasVibes

That is why in the picture, drams please …

are coming SintijasVibes

a place where I can share all my journey, experience, good and bad vibes of my life, my version of better and higher self, improvements and growth that I experienced in a time, my failure and much more.

SintijasVibes are place where I will be myself, where I don’t need to follow some kind of niche or talk about things that are not important to me. 


What is important to me?

My hobby, and passion which let me be better not only as a woman but also as a mother and friend. Reading, loving myself, being better then I was yesterday.

And just do each day tasks that I feel are important to me.


You don’t need to be special or perfect, you just need to be you and make better choices for yourself, your family and your life. And here you will be able to look up.

I want to be a better self and grow and in Sintijas vibes I will share anything that happened, happens and will happen in my life with true stories and pictures,videos and live stories…


 How I am doing, what is important to me, how I am becoming better with each day, what works for me and what doesn’t. 

I will talk a lot about self-improvement, being a better version of myself, showing my steps into new things that I am experiencing what works for me and what doesn’t, and how to find your calling our opposed, maybe niching down isn’t something that you need, if you want to build a business or personal brand.

I will talk about my life updates and things that are important to me.

My goal of SintijasVibes

My goal and purpose for Sintijas Vibes is that I want you to not feel alone, even if you think that you are. Be better, change, learn, improve, implement and just do it, no matter what and see what happens. No matter your end goal. No matter your situation. No matter from where you start. 

And don’t give up just do it.

If you are failing and failing again, in your life or your business or social media then this will be a place for you to be yourself and learn, get guidance, chat with others and just be you, and be better than yesterday. 

I would be glad if I could help anyone to just find their calling.  Maybe even now I am just helping you if you are reading this. 

My story doesn’t end here it just beginning.

And you, my reader and follower can also be part of my journey. I will not give up on things that is important to me.

If you want to see more of me, and my journey then follow me, look up and be tuned on what will be next.

And here are some extra blog posts and videos that you can check if you are new to me and my journey.

With love Sintija from Sintijas Vibes

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