Why do bloggers fail?
Why do bloggers fail?
Hi, my name is Sintija and in this article you will find out my true story about how did I fail blogging, digital marketing and essentially making money online as well.

This is a story that can be a really good lesson for anybody who failed in making money online because my story did last 4 years, till I finally found out why I wasn’t good at it and why I failed at making money online and blogging and probably why do bloggers fail as well.
Read For More: 📢
- Why niching down doesn’t work for me and 5 powerful lessons I got.
- Can I blog without a niche? And be successful starting 2025.
- New beginning and my true story of how was created SintijasVibes – 2025
But Before We Start.
Before I tell you my reasons why do bloggers fail, I will let you know my 4-year story of trying to make money online, and then I will let you know the reasons that are for most bloggers who are trying out, to make money online or just having a website and business but still fail.
but read to the end because I will give something that gave me back my confidence to start again…
That one think <<WHY I WAS FAILING AS BLOGGER >>
Little About Me
My name is Sintija and before I moved to Ireland I worked in a Hotel as a front desk receptionist, I loved that job, but when I moved with my family to Ireland everything changed.
With the point that I would never expect…
When my partner started to work, my son went to school. I got in a position that didn’t allow me a regular 9 to 5 job. The thing is that here in Ireland children start school at 5 years that is junior infants and school starts from around 9 to 12:40.
And as we lived in the countryside, there wasn’t anyone else who could drive and pick up our son, that why we decided that I will be this person.
My partner did not mind at all, because at that time we were living with my brother and sister and of course, bills were also split.
However with time…
I was going crazy and I remember, that one evening going through my TikTok, I saw this girl who was talking about digital marketing, making money online and so on. Believe it or not, I got so excited because I finally had some escape from my boring home-wife life.
And don’t me get wrong it is okay to be a housewife if you can, but for me it was boring.
I didn’t have anything to lose anyway.
And I started My First Blog
With that said I started my journey by making my very first blog sintijaviksnite.com.
I did some basic keyword research and started to write my blog posts. At that time I didn’t know what really is blogging, in reality, I didn’t have any background in digital marketing, affiliate, blogging and just making money online.
Now when I remember I know that without any fear I was just going forward, writing blog posts, doing keyword research, applying to some affiliate programs and making videos.
But something wasn’t right.
I did lose interest very fast. It’s not like I didn’t like to write – it’s more of the fact that it just wasn’t mine. Also with time, it was boring and what made it worse was that I didn’t see any results or didn’t make any money. It was too time-consuming and I just didn’t see any future in it.
After digital marketing.
I started creating my own canva social media templates, I opened my Etsy store and started to make a TikTok video. I invested so much time in just creating templates, but in the end, I quit.
I thought that if I will crate beautiful social media templates and just put them on my Etsy store it would be a success, but it’s not. There are so many things that are involved to be successful Etsy seo, look, keywords, description, templates, promotion and so on.
However, I didn’t want to quit completely, I still wanted to make money online. My first step was looking up on the internet how to start with trading and investing.
My next step was to learn as much as I could. I was attracted more to Options trading, not regular trading.
That is why I started following some professionals who have been going already for years and being successful. It took me some time till I started to invest in my trading account, however, I did blow up 2 times my account, I didn’t lose much, but my feelings still weren’t the best.
What I understand after this is that I wasn’t really a patient person, I wanted everything really fast.
Something New.

And this pushes me in a completely different direction. I started something that I would never do.
A little secret about me – I love playing WOW or World Of Warcraft. It is an amazing game. I know it from 2011.
And you know what I did? I started streaming how I play games, talk to a camera, and create step-by-step videos on YouTube.
BUT … As You May Gues???
It didn’t last long. I lost my sparkle to create content because I got to the point that I was playing not anymore for fun, but for others to watch and in the end, I even didn’t want to play anymore this game.
Right at that moment, I understood that this was not what I wanted at all.
And again – I quit.
The next adventure, or rather failure that I had was that I wanted to create NFTs and sell them. I did create a website, social media accounts, and Discord, but…
Here the fears kick in. I fail so often that I ask myself…
Will I be successful?
Will I make money online with it?
Will there be anyone who will buy my NFTs?
How I will grow?
Is this what I really want?
Will I be consistent and how long I will do this?
And Then I Did Realize.
AND THEN SOMETHING FINALLY HIT ME! Read till the end to find out what was it… and why do blogger fail
No, when you know my back story about how my 4 – years went, you may have some expectations about how I felt at that last moment.
When I asked these questions to myself and was again at start point. I was thinking do I really will start again? What I am doing wrong? Why do bloggers fail and WHY DID I FAIL?
That is why here will be my reasons why do bloggers fail.
Why do bloggers fail, and why mostly I was failing as well. And most of what you will read is not only common, but also so true for begginer bloggers.
My first reason why do bloggers fail.
They have this absurd expectation about online business as A REALLY EASY THING to do. Yes, this was also the first reason why I, so blindly, just jumped into online business. I had this EASY MINDSET that just did kill everything that I did.
There is absolutely nothing easy about starting your online business journey, with time it will be easier, but from the start when you don’t know anything it will be hard as hell.
My second reason why do bloggers fail.
Know the game rules.
And this is BIG. Digital marketing, social media, online business, personal brand – each of them, has its own rules on how to grow and be successful. You can’t just think that one thing works for everything else.
It is the same for social media TikTok and Instagram, different platforms with their own rules on how to grow and be successful.
The third reason why do bloggers fail.
It takes time to be successful, for some, it could be months for others years. When you start a personal blog, brand or shop you need to understand that you will need time to learn and improve, test and again test – to see if what you do works or not.
IT TAKES TIME – that is one thing that you need to understand completely. When you start your journey you need to be honest with yourself.
Number fourth reason why do bloggers fail and this is one of the most important reasons.
They are not ready to invest in their business enough. Here I don’t talk only about knowledge, I talk also about things that they need logos, websites, pictures, social media templates and of course courses, keyword research software and most importantly their time.
To start something new you must invest if you truly want to make it work. Not all are ready to invest their own hard-earned money for something that may or not may work. To do it you must invest time, what may be for someone is much harder than for others.
My readers this is the moment that you were waiting for – WHY I WAS FAILING AS BLOGGER AND IN MY ONLINE BUSINESS. And this could be also a reason for you… if you still read till this moment.

Eventually, I understood the problem of my social media failure. Nothing was working for a long period of time and I quit fast.
My only problem was that I was focused on JUST ONE THING – ONE NICHE
And that was killing everything I was creating a blog, Etsy store, social media.
Let me explain. Everyone is telling you on social media that you need to niche down if you want to be successful, but they don’t say that maybe niching down isn’t for you. And that is why you are failing.
With a niche, we are putting ourselves in a box where we don’t have any escape. For some people, it just doesn’t work and I am one of them.
I want to be authentic, I want to be myself, and I want to share my journey. It can be a lesson, it can be just a reminder, or my story can inspire you to try till you feel that this is it.
Till you succeed.
Let’s then finish this post Why do bloggers fail with why last words for you my reader.
My last words to bloggers who failed as I did. Don’t give up!
I didn’t give up.
Even if I am again in the starting phase I am confident that I would be myself without the pressure that often comes with an online business. I want to share my journey, connect with people who struggled from the start, and hear stories of how they failed when they started their own online businesses, stores or brands.
And be an inspiration to others who struggled as well.
That is why if you are one of them who failed as I was, tell your story, and let’s share more personal growth stories to help others not to give up.
With love Sintija from SintijasVibes