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Now – what I learned from failing online business in a row for 4 years and why I started again. 

What I learned from Failing online business in a row for 4 years 10 killer lessons


Little about me and my journey.

If you don’t know me my name is Sintija and I live in Ireland. We moved here in 2019, just before covid hit the world. 

If you want to know more about me and my full story, then read my journey. 

Of course, after moving to Ireland, we didn’t rest, there were so many things to handle, Oliver’s school, PPSN numbers, work, transport and other stuff to start living comfortably. 

My husband started to work, and my son went to school, but I was left at home.

You can’t even imagine how bored and useless I felt. Specifically when you never have been so long at home


One evening I found escape. – ONLINE BUSINESS… 

The concept of online business, digital marketing, affiliate marketing, digital products and blogging was brand new to me. 

But it was something. That I could do and I did.

I remember how exciting it was.

I watched almost all YouTube videos, tutorials and step-by-step guides and just started. Created my first website sintijaviksnite.com, the purpose of the website was to write about digital products, reviews, and step-by-step guides using affiliate links. 

For social media I was making Pinterest pins and created a Medium account where I also added my blog posts (Sintija Viksnite – Medium


As you can guess, it wasn’t for a long time. And soon I quit.


After that, no matter what I did nothing was going for a long time. A few months – maximum. 

I did try, digital marketing, blogging, affiliate marketing, ads, created social media templates for sale, created videos, started streaming, tried investing, trading and NFTs and a bunch of other things.

But no, nothing lasted long enough to see any results.


These 4 years I was experimenting with every single thing in online business. I am sad that nothing did turn out the way I wanted, however, I gained skills that I would never have learned if I had not tried so many business modules. 

No, I think is finally time…

Go to the real post <<What I learned from online business in a row for 4 years.>>

Let’s then dive into my post on : what I learned from failing online business. My Hard To Get Lessons

Lesson 1. Online Business in not EASY

Online business is not easy – get a fast rich business module. So, STOP listening to all these gurus who are saying that. There is nothing EASY about doing what you have never done, NOTHING.

Everything new, that we start takes time, learning basic skills, improving, testing and just slowly growing. Researching what works and what needs to be improved. I just love these people who say on TikTok or Instagram that 2 h of work and you’re done. The biggest bullshit – EVER. Maybe when you already have thousands of followers and you make money, but from the start, no.

It is the same with side hustles, they are not easy, especially for beginners. 

That’s why stop telling yourself that and just start actual work, and see how it goes.

Pen and note book with flowers on table

Lesson 2. It Takes Time to be Successful.

What I learned from failing online business is that It takes time to be successful. And it is not one formula for everyone. 

I failed so often. My misfortune was something that can teach others a lot – for example, as a beginner, rushing your journey will drive you into the corner of failing, and I was rushing my online website, blogging or Etsy store thinking that I am not good enough, but not. For every small thing you need time to take action. Even if the product was good, people and potential customers didn’t know me enough to be confident in me and my product. 

Lesson 3. Be Consistent

My third lesson on : what I learned from failing online business is to be always consistent.

Consistency is a key to being successful in online business, blogging or any kind of online activity that can bring followers, money or opportunities.


“Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.” – John C. Maxwell

O… this is one of the most important, no, is most important aspects of your online journey to a better life. Listen we all bin in the beginning phase where we are not sure that what we do matters, but after my multiple 4 year online business failures…


As a matter of fact, 90% of online businesses fail just from losing this one aspect of their daily lives. 

Women working on here laptop

Lesson 4. Learn and Improve.

Learn and improve. What I lucked as a beginner and total stranger to social media, online business or digital products was improving and learning to stand out. Improving my skills, learning what works and what doesn’t and constantly learning HOW TO STAND OUT.

Nowadays is so hard to compete with others, but what is worse is that if you just left your business, store or website how it is without changing anything, especially if your online business is already struggling you will not grow and that true.

But it’s not only about your business; as the person, you need to improve and learn new skills to make better videos, write better articles or other skills that will show that you are growing and learning. 


Lesson 5. Test EVERYTHING

What I learned from failing online business is that you need to test everthing.

Test, Test, Test.

Changing things and seeing what works best is a good start to grow your business. To grow and expand your online presence you need to improve and test different things, learning and changing what works for you and what doesn’t. 

Remember to see any changes you need to wait for 3-6 months. 

Lesson 6. Love Your Work

What I learned from failing online business in that No matter what your business passion or just dream you always need to do things that you love, and that is exciting.

Do what you love. No matter what others are telling you. I strongly believe that if you are doing what you love you will be successful.  My story can prove that a business or blog will not succeed if you blindly follow other people.

And yes, I am not ashamed of my business’s failure, in fact, it taught me valuable lessons and skills, that now I can implement. 

Of course not always you can be successful and still do what you love, but you can modify your thing to still earn money and do what you love. 

Let’s see the example.

For example you like painting, but making money with it sounds strange. And you always do it just for a hobby not any kind of goal to make money. But you still want to try.

Doing Yoga

Here you have some amazing opportunities :

  • Making digital art as NFT and selling on market
  • Create illustrations for people to use with their own ideas, you just need to draw them
  • Create a painting with your own unique style and sell them
  • Create children’s books, with amazing illustrations 
  • Be manga artists 
  • Create a website as a portfolio for your works and start writing about your journey 
  • Teach others to draw and offer online classes 
  • Create a YouTube channel and teach others to draw

Listen, what I learned from failing online business in a row for 4 years is that your love and passion can make you money if and only if you are learning and doing things that make you happy.

Now you know that even if painting is JUST A HOBBY your possibilities are endless. And you will not lose your love and the things that you cherish.

Lesson 7. Look is IMPORTANT

Looks are IMPORTANT! If years back look and design weren’t so important, then now to stand out you just MUST have the best design of the website, appealing social media templates or video that can catch the reader’s eyes. We live in a time where looks and hook are SO IMPORTANT; without it we can forget that anyone will even watch our channel or social media posts.

How often do you hear  << The title and thumbnail are EVERYTHING >> 

Is title good? How appealing looks thumbnail, social media template, post or Pinterest pin for someone to just click on it. Yes, design matters. 


Lesson 8. FEAR

4 years – now I can say that what I learned from failing online business is that people’se judgment and your fears are HUGE OBSTACLE TO YOUR SUCCESS.


Fear of other people, friends and family members’ judgment. O… This is big. And I know so many can relate to this. Fear or judgment and shame of people’s opinion.

I did have fear as well, and maybe it also impacted my blogging journey of being more confident in front of the camera as time went on, I not only got more and more ashamed of myself but also had so much insecurity in myself and what I was doing. 

Lesson 9. Giving up too EARLY

Giving up too early. Yess, I was the true example of how not to do that. 

What I was missing was the mindset of my work success and my belief in myself. The thing with giving up, no matter what your end goal is – website, online store, digital marketing or social media following is that we don’t believe ( also I didn’t believe ) that it can work and will work –  if will be patient and follow your goal NO MATTER WHAT.

Now I understand how wrong it was for me to assume that I could be successful fast even if I was a beginner. And ESPECIALLY IN THE BEGINNING

 ( sorry, but this is true for most new beginner online businesses, bloggers and online store owners – we want so fast to see results without putting more effort and time into work. ) 

Books and notebooks on table with pen by SintijasVibes

Lesson 10. My MOST IMPORTANT LESSON OF What I learned from Failing Online Business

MOST IMPORTANT. Listen this is something that I understood too late. Down niche doesn’t work for all. And it for sure didn’t work for me. I am sure that it was the biggest rock on why I didn’t push myself. I was so focused on niching down to be successful that I completely excluded thoughts about other things. 

For others, niching down is the key to success, but for me, it was a curse. And maybe for you as well. And now I understand that.

Yes now that we are to the end of my biggest lessons of making money online, I want to share just one last lesson with all you.

And That Is… What I learned from failing online business is…

Life is life, if you will not try something new and if you will not risk your life will stay as it is. You will not get that dream job, you will not have the freedom to travel around or be that lazy mom who is selling digital products at home and making income with that  – NO – 

BUT YOU CAN and if you are ready THEN YOU WILL…

Be not only a better version of yourself but also take steps to become one.

What I learned from failing online business can be your way to be successful.


I did fail ENORMOUSLY but I am back and if I could fail 4 years in a row then what it is for you to just start and see where it will bring you…

Hope that this post what I learned from failing online business will help you to understand that is it okay to fail as long you don’t give up on what you love and want in your life.

Take action and make your dream come true with love Sintija from SintijaVibes.

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